Rhythm Series, Work No. 3
Howick Place, London, UK, 2014
Curated by HS Projects
Dancers, data projector
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers Lauren Bridle, Kirsty Green, Amy Lazarou
Video by Steph Patten, Julian Triandafyllou
Rhythm Series, Work No. 4 [Part I Basement]
Aldgate East derelict site, London, UK, 2016
Commissioned by Jack Sheen/ddmmyy
12mins performance
Dancers, carousel projectors, data projector
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers Amy Lazarou, Rachel Burn
Photo by John MacLean
Video by Julian Triandafyllou
Rhythm Series, Work No. 5
Mairie du 5ᵉ arrondissement, Paris, FR, 2017
Commissioned by Nuit Blanche
16mins performance
Dancer, data projectors, tracing paper, stone blocks
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancer Lucie Bailly
Photo by John MacLean
Video by Adrien Millot
Rhythm Series, Work No. 2
ICA, London, UK, 2013
Commissioned by Open File
18mins performance
Dancer, carousel projectors, acrylic screen
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers Lauren Bridle
Photo by Shaun Chen
Video by Julian Triandafyllou
Rhythm Series, Work No. 1
Bonnie Bird Theatre, Trinity Laban, London, UK, 2012
20mins performance
Dancers, data projectors, ellipsoidal reflector lamps
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers The People Pile collective
Video by Julian Triandafyllou
Rhythm Series, Work No. 4 [Part II Rooftop]
Aldgate East derelict site, London, UK, 2016
Commissioned by Jack Sheen/ddmmyy
17mins performance
Dancers, acrylic rods
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers Amy Lazarou, Rachel Burn
Video & photos by Julian Triandafyllou
Rhythm Series, Work No. 6
Nine Elm public space, London, UK, 2018
Commissioned by Art Night
Durational performance
Dancers, acrylic rods
Collaborated with Meta Drčar
Dancers Lauren Bridle, Amy Lazarou, Ioanna Vazelaki, Rafal Minkiewicz
Photo by John MacLean
About Rhythm Series
Through exploring the interaction between body movement and projected light motions in the early performance practice, the understanding of scale, volume and distance adjoined the experimentation in Rhythm Series in 2012. These fundamental elements in architecture became the framework plane. Each of the performances in the series was situated in various characteristic architectural spaces and responded to their unique structural and social rhythms. From the ‘black box’ theatre stage space, the rooftop of a derelict commercial tower in East London, to Neo-classical style town hall in central Paris, the performances re-assembled the rhythmic elements within each unique architectural space and form dialectical relation to their urban functions.
The contemporary dance influenced notation-based method was adapted into Rhythm Series. The study of the architectural spaces being translated onto notation drawings, the trained dance performers would then interpreted the notation bodily. Together with the projected light functioned as an indicator for the movement, the performances juxtaposed and overlaid the two types of rhythms — the rhythm in architectural structure, and the rhythm of our constant developing habitation within.
Rhythm Series (2012 - 2018) collaborated with Meta Drčar.